About us:


An alternative way for cultivating physical and mental well-being

Smiling Light offers a fun, creative, and safe alternative for families to encourage young people to further develop skills such as mindfulness and meditation, with responsibility and care towards themselves, others, and nature. We believe that families can do this by taking a step back and slow down to appreciate what is happening in the “Now”.

Safe spaces for interpersonal reflection and exploration

We set spaces of freedom, care, and safety for young learners to explore their creative energy and authentic selves through constructive and transformative dialogue dynamics that assist participants in expressing their visions in a safe and nurturing way. We encourage young participants to explore their well-being potential by always respecting themselves, others, and the natural environment.


A non-judgemental approach towards life-experience

We believe in adopting a non-judgmental approach towards life experience to reach a meaningful and beneficial connection with one another. Our students will explore both their outer and inner being through challenging and fun activities that help them recognise the importance of both, to find the balance in their life.

Nature as a core element in our services

We strongly believe that it is through establishing a strong connection and relationship with nature that we can understand ourselves better. Besides, creating and expressing in a natural setting helps young learners feel safe and nurtured while they are learning.

Our values:

Self-reflection in daily life

Living life with responsibility and care

Keeping a Mindful and alert being

Believe in finding through experience and enquiring

Nature is at the center

Who we are:

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Jenny Guerrero.

Leading coach and Director

I am Jenny Guerrero, the director of Smiling Light, 

Through my teaching profession I have always cared for the need of  children to control, communicate and express their emotions, feelings and thoughts. Therefore, I have been on a life-long journey with the desire to better comprehend and understand  how to connect with our inner self, and from there, to better communicate with others.

I have explored the contemplation of nature through photography, I have explored and worked on  creative aspects of life such as crafting, music production, media content creation.I believe sparking our spontaneous creativity, sometimes trapped in our conscience, can unlock our true heart, and that gift is the one that you can give to your relationships. 

I have worked in body and mind well-being, through yoga and meditation. While working as a Relax Kids coach, I have shared these experiences with kids, in a playful environment.

Now I belong to and study in a professional community in the Australian Centre for Meditation and Mindfulness, ACMM, studying an Advanced certificate in guiding and Teaching meditation. 

This wonderful journey inspired me to create Smiling Light as a safe space for families and children to explore their potential to be here and now.


Manuel Alejandro Guerrero.

Learning environment designer & Online tutor

I have found in Smiling Light an educational project that makes it possible for people to explore their Human potential and capabilities in an honest, critical, and empathetic way. The awareness of the Here & Now becomes a human sphere of freedom and responsibility; towards oneself, the other, and nature, in the 21st century.

Elementary Education BA

International Education Management MA

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